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Funded networks

  • Migrations from East and Southeast Asia in France (MAF)

    Coordinator: Simeng Wang

    Created in October 2019 with the support of the French National Research Centre (CNRS), the research network Migrations from East and Southeast Asia in France (MAF) welcomes researchers from different grounds: Sociology, Anthropology, History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Asian studies, Chinese studies, Medicine, Public health. 

    This multi-disciplinary team has a double objective in the long term: on the one hand, we want to facilitate the scientific exchanges and cooperation between various institutions, subjects and research fields. On the other hand, we promote the exchange between the academic world and the public audience.

    Presentation in the newsletter of the CNRS's Institute of Human and Social Sciences (n° 81 - janvier 2023, p. 32-35)

  • Social Studies of Herbal Pharmaceutical Industry in Asia (PharmAsia Network)

    Founded in 2012 | Cermes3; University of Westminster, London; Centre d'études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud, Paris; Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, Paris

    Coordinator: Laurent Pordié (Cermes3)

    PharmAsia is an international research network dedicated to studying the pharmaceutical industrialization of Asian medicine.In spite of the remarkable growth of this industry in the last three decades, the academic work in this field is still sparse.This multidisciplinary network aims to contribute to the development of this important domain of study.PharmAsia explores the relations between globalization and therapeutic innovation processes, regulatory and legal appropriation systems, and global market building of in a world region playing an ever greater role in the pharmaceutical sector and more broadly, in the global economy and its regulation.Our current sites of research are located in India, China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and Indonesia.

    Members of the network: Vincanne Adams (San Francisco), Madhulika Banerjee (New Delhi), Calum Blaikie (Vienna), Maarten Bode (Amsterdam), Cheris Chan (Hong Kong), Burton Cleetus (New Delhi), Lucie Dejouhanet (Schœlcher), Jean-Paul Gaudillière (Paris), Anita Hardon (Amsterdam), Elisabeth Hsu (Oxford), Stephan Kloos (Vienna), Wen-Hua Kuo (Taipei), Hsueh-yi Lin (Madison), Eunjeong Ma (Pohang), Harilal Madhavan (Bangalore), Martin Saxer (Munich), Mona Schrempf (London), Maki Umemura (Cardiff), Jan van der Walk (Canterburry), Francis Zimmermann (Paris).

    PharmAsia website

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Centre de recherche, médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société
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