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People with disabilities in Jewish religious communities in France: An intersectionality perspective

Jerusalem College of Technology funding  (2021-2023)
Coordinator: Zvika Orr (Jerusalem College of Technology)
Co-coordinator : Yaël Tibi-Lévy, Cermes3

This project explores the intersection between religious community life and disability, based on the case of Jewish religious communities in France, particularly those living in Paris. Based on thirty semi-structured in-depth interviews with people with disabilities and their families, as well as professionals in the fields of healthcare, social work, education, and religion, this study seeks to examine how religious and cultural identities, beliefs, values, and norms influence the perception and treatment of people with disabilities in these communities, the difficulties they encounter, and the strategies implemented to try to overcome them. This project illuminates the meaning and impact of the double minority status of Jewish religious people with disabilities: as persons with disabilities in an ableist society (where being able-bodied is the norm) and as a religious minority in a secular country (where services provided or funded by the state should not include religious considerations). Thus, this project highlights challenges, dilemmas, tensions, and successes related to the efforts of some Jewish organizations to ensure that people with disabilities in their community can reconcile their living environment with religious values, if they wish to do so.

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Centre de recherche, médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société
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