Chamak Brigitte
Doctorate in history, sociology and the epistemology of sciences and techniques (1997)
Scientific head of the project ANR 09 SSOC 006 (2009-2013) entitled “The social life of the neurosciences”
Contact: brigitte.chamak(at)
Personal Website
List of publications
Following training in biology and research activity in neurobiology at the Collège de France from 1984 to 1994, Brigitte Chamak carried out research on the history, sociology and philosophy of sciences by studying the founding of the cognitive sciences (thesis obtained in 1997). Following this, her research focused on a historical and sociological analysis of the creation of the network of French experts in the area of transmissible spongiform encephalitides, with special emphasis on problems related to expertise, to risk and to the public debate. Consulting the archives of the cancerologist Antoine Lacassagne led to the publication of a book focusing on the history of research on cancer (2011). Since 2002, her research themes in the area of mental health examine the transformations of representations of autism (comparing France and Quebec), the role of social movements (associations of parents and persons with autism), the genesis of the concept of neurodiversity and, more recently, the social impact of the neurosciences (ANR 09 SSOC 006 project). Her present research looks at controversies surrounding autism. A book is in preparation.