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Janaina Freitas

Postdoctoral fellow in anthropology, TraGenInnov Project

Contact: jan.mxt(at)


Ph.D. in Anthropology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), with a doctoral internship at Harvard University (Department of History of Science). Currently, she is working as a post-doc researcher on the TraGenInnov Project at Cermes3. She was also a researcher at the Gender and Sexuality Studies Laboratory (LEGS/Université Paris 8).

Research interests include gender, sexuality, body, genetics, new reproductive and diagnostic technologies, queer theory, and feminist studies of science. In Brazil, she is still an associated researcher with two research groups that focus on gender, sexuality, and science: the Center for Research on Sexualities and Gender Relations (NUPSEX/UFRGS); and the group "Life Sciences: Production of Knowledge and Heterogeneous Articulations" (UFRGS).

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