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Marius Salgado Hansen is a sociologist of health and work, with a particular interest in psychiatric hospitals. His thesis is entitled "Les micro-libertés en hospitalisation psychiatrique, négociations et poids des idéologies", written under the supervision of Laurence Simmat-Durand and defended at Université Paris Cité in 2023. In this work, he shows how, in psychiatric units, restraint is individualised for each patient through the 'micro-freedoms' that determine his or her daily life, and whose terms and conditions are central to the negotiated order of the units. In this informal organisation, the supposedly hegemonic professions (psychiatrists and judges) have to share their decision-making capacity with subordinate groups (patients, nurses, medical secretaries or social workers) who have some leeway to influence decisions. Through the concept of "psychiatric ideologies", we can see the existence of locally-situated common practices and discourses that give one of the groups usually excluded (care assistants or patients' families, for example) a more important place in negotiations.

Since 2022, Marius has been a temporary teaching and research associate at Université Paris Cité. His research focuses on the different professional groups working in psychiatric inpatient units. In particular, health managers and medical secretaries.

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