Specialization of care practices involving consent and coercion in care of Alzheimer’s disease (SpéciAlz)
Fondation Plan Alzheimer - Fondation Médéric Alzheimer Contract (2014-2015) | Cermes3, Centre Max Weber
Coordinator:Benoît Eyrault, Centre Max Weber
Cermes3:Aude Béliard
The SpéciAlz project focuses on care practices that can involve coercion and regulation, are developed as specialized professional procedures in taking persons with Alzheimer’s disease into care, and are applied at home or in accommodation establishments.From a social-legal point of view, the project retraces the contours of the rules framing these practices and establishes their hierarchy and (formal and jurisprudential) enforceability.A social-political analysis will yield a second type of results.We will look at the sets of actors who - through their intervention in discussion and evaluation arenas - have contributed and are contributing to stabilizing the regulation framework.A third type of results will come from analyzing the effects of the specialization of care practices in Alzheimer’s disease based on a comparison of eight forms of intervention that can involve coercion, and their regulation in four fields:at home, in an institution, through specialized (ESA and UHR) procedures, and through non-specialized (SSIAD and Ehpad) procedures.
Cermes3 participant: Livia Velpry
External members: Lucie Lechevalier-Hurard (PhD student Paris 13), Pierre Vidal-Naquet (Centre Max Weber)