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Prenatal diagnosis and prevention of disabilities: Women’s and couples’ experience

Ile de France Region contract – PICRI (2014-2017) | Cermes3, Collectif inter-associatif autour de la naissance (CIANE)
Coordinator: Isabelle Ville, Cermes3

The goal of this project is to study the practices of prenatal screening and diagnosis (PND), in two specific and innovative directions:1) as the public debate on these issues have so far been largely confined to the professional arenas, they will be apprehended from the point of view of women; 2) detailed attention will be given to the ways of anticipating life with a disability.Although these practices constitute an effective means of “prevention” of disabilities at birth, few empirical studies have approached them from this angle, and even less so in connection with the evolutions of conceptions and legislation in this field.

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Cermes3 participants: Sophia Rosman, Benedicte Rousseau-Champagne (post-PhD student)

Outside member: Madeleine Akrich (CSI, Mines ParisTech)

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