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Catherine Cavalin

Sociologist, Research Fellow, CNRS

Contact : catherine.cavalin(at)




The interdisciplinarity that characterizes Catherine Cavalin's research involves sociology, contemporary history, economics and statistics, most often in collaboration with teams working in the biomedical sciences. This interdisciplinarity is applied to social inequalities in health, paying a particular attention to the history and sociology of the actors who contribute to them, and to the ways health statuses and their links with social welfare systems are measured. Using a mix of quantitative and qualitative research tools, Catherine Cavalin has published on topics such as the relationships between violence and health status, the under-recognition of the occupational origin of chronic diseases, and the history and sociology of knowledge about systemic diseases of "unknown" origin in medicine and epidemiology.

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Centre de recherche, médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société
UMR CNRS 8211 - Unité Inserm 988 - EHESS - Université Paris Cité
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94801 Villejuif Cedex

Université Paris Cité

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75270 Paris Cedex 06

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