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Vincent Viet

Historian, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

Contact: vincent.viet(at)



Vincent Viet has been seconded to Cermes3 by the Ministry of Health and Prevention. His research focuses on the history of social and health policies, social ministries, labour inspection, social protection, immigration policy, labour and employment policies, occupational risk prevention, labour law and health policy. He has specialised in exploring an institutional and social field, that of the social ministries, understood as an autonomous system of positions, actors and institutions, organised by internal issues and relationships. The main challenge of his research is to decipher, over time, the evolution of relations and non-relations between the imperative forms of the main functions (or policies) of the social ministries (protect, house, put to work, place, train, care, assist, ensure, etc.) and the pronominal forms of these functions. ) and the pronominal or reflexive forms that, individually and collectively, can substitute for them (e.g. protect oneself, against accidents at work, against the hazards of life; put oneself to work, find a job, care, train, insure, etc.).

His most recent work has focused on 1°) The thwarted genesis of a national public health policy through the itinerary of the radical socialist Justin Godart (1871-1956), who was Under-Secretary of State for the Health Service during the First World War. The aim was to understand why this conflict was not a founding event for this policy, i.e. one with a structuring power with lasting effects; 2°) Labour during the First World War; 3°) Paritarianism(s), as modes of prevention, resolution of labour conflicts and governance of social protection; 4°) The study of two associations of labour inspectors that played an important role in the field of labour and labour law during the 1980s and 2000s: the Villermé association and L 611-10. All this research has led to the publication of personal or collective works.

Member of the scientific commissions of the Comité d'histoire des administrations chargées du travail, de l'emploi et de la formation professionnelle (CHATEFP) and of the Comité d'Histoire de la Sécurité sociale (CHSS), Vincent Viet has co-edited several collective works on labour policies, the International Labour Organisation, and the social policies of municipalities in France and Germany.

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Centre de recherche, médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société
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