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From International to Global: Knowledge, Diseases, and the Postwar Government of Health (Globhealth)

Contrat ERC (2014-2018) | Cermes3
Coordinateur : Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Cermes3

This project aims at a socio-historical study of the transition between the two regimes of knowledge and action, which have characterized the government of health after World War II: the regime of international public health, dominating during the first decades of the postwar era, which was centered on eradication policies, nation-states and international UN organizations; the present regime of global health, which emerged in the 1980s and is centered on risk management and chronic diseases, market-driven regulations, and private-public alliances. The project seeks to understand this transition in terms of globalization processes, looking at the making of knowledge, the production and commercialization of health goods, the implementation of public health programs, and routine medical work. It will focus on four fields of investigations: tuberculosis, mental health, traditional medicine and medical genetics in order to understand how categories, standardized treatment regimens, industrial products, management tools or specific specialties have become elements in the global government of health.

Participants Cermes3 : Claire Beaudevin, Anne Lovell, Laurent Pordié
Membres externes : Christoph Gradmann (University of Oslo)

Site web de Globhealth

Centre de recherche, médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société
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